Jessica Kane

Providing Maps,
Geospatial Data Visualization,
and Web Development


Pigeon River Country Trail Map

This web application allows the user to explore trails in the Pigeon River Country by designated use and submit trail reports. It was built with Bootstrap, LeafletJS, and a number of Leaflet plugins. CARTO was used on the back end.

Municipal Solid Waste & Recycling

I used LeafletJS to build this proportional symbol web map. It displays waste generated and waste recycled/composted for the United States and a number of European countries. A slider allows the user to select which year to display and the legend updates dynamically.

Michigan Oil & Gas Production Viewer

This web application aggregates Michigan oil & gas production by well. Users can choose whether to view well locations symbolized by type/status or proportional symbol maps (i.e. bubble maps) of oil or gas production. Users can click on a well to see well information, cumulative production information, and an interactive chart of production over time. I built this application with Mapbox GL JS, plotly.js, Bootstrap and CARTO.

Michigan's Threatened & Endangered Species

This dynamic map visualization allows the user to explore Michigan's threatened & endangered species data in a variety of ways. I built it with D3.js, responsive tables from for mobile, and DataTables (

Michigan Crowdsourced Broadband Map

This web application uses the FCC API to display broadband information on an interactive map. It also allows users to submit information about broadband options at an address. It was built using LeafletJS, the GoogleMaps API, geocomplete.js, Bootstrap, and Moment.js on the front end and Java and PostgreSQL/PostGIS on the back end.

Economic Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

I used D3.js to build this interactive map and data visualization showing the economic impact of outdoor recreation by U.S. state. It allows the user to select from five economic indicators. The selection drives changes to the choropleth map and bar chart.

Fargo Custom Web Map Tileset

I designed this vector tileset to fit the aesthetic of a Fargo movie poster. I imported data into Mapbox Studio and completed all styling and formatting of the chosen data layers at various zooms levels.


Cancer/Nitrate Analysis

This Python script and GUI was written using PyQgis 3.0 to answer the question: Is there a relationship between nitrate levels and cancer rates?

Confirming Accuracy of the UIC Class II Area of Review

A proof of concept implementation of a spatial database (PostgreSQL/PostGIS) to increase accuracy and decrease time for regulators when reviewing Underground Injection Control (UIC) applications for Class II wells.


National Park Cycle Tour

A terrain map of a fictitious bike race starting near Salt Lake City, UT and ending in Vancouver, BC. To visualize the rugged terrain with shaded relief, I processed Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and land cover layers in ArcMap and applied final styling in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Oil in the Pigeon River Country

An infographic telling the history and impact of the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. I used ArcMap to compile the data for the maps and finalized the styling in Adobe Illustrator. I also used Illustrator to create the final infographic.

Wild and Open Spaces in an Urban Era

I combined 2010 Urban Area data (U.S Census Bureau) and USA Parks data (Esri, TomTom) to visualize parks in and around the 45 largest urban areas in the U.S. With a glance the reader can see which cities have the highest number of park acres per capita versus park acres within 200 miles. I used ArcMap to gather and process the data, then exported to Adobe Illustrator to apply final styling.